Our interaction with technology is changing, and nowhere else is this more prevalent than in the realm of Artificial Intelligence. From employing virtual assistants in our homes to playing with immersive virtual reality in our spare time, the uses seem endless and are otherwise pervading our personal lives.
The race for voice
Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google’s voice search functionality–these are a few popularised NLP innovations–but they are only the tip of the iceberg. With voice search on the rise, the standing prediction is that by 2020, 50% of all search queries will be carried out by voice. Apart from its predominant labour in the scope of personalisation and search functionality, how exactly do voice and conversational AI impact organisations?
More importantly, how can this technology be leveraged to support the internal customer?
Revolutionising the relationship between companies and customers
Customer service chatbots to help alleviate the burden of human agents having to answer simple and repetitive customer queries? It’s brilliant, but that’s only one part of the puzzle. The advancement in voice AI is particularly helpful in integrating and analysing customer interactions across call recordings, chat logs, agent notes, emails and social engagements. This means that customer-facing staff are empowered to focus on more important issues, perform high-value tasks, and have the time to take on projects, becoming upskilled in the process – and thus providing greater returns.
As customer service becomes increasingly social, it’s imperative that brands begin to analyse their data on a deeper level–one example is the need to track the performance of social interactions to learn more about successes, failures and uncover areas for opportunity. It’s the ability to strategically understand customer sentiment in order to identify issues and emerging trends, to contextualise call drivers and corner root causes, all with the purpose of driving improvement at the upper echelons of organisational decision-making, process building, and product design.
Deploying voice AI technology to assist in automating call centres, guiding customer service chatbots, providing digital marketing intelligence, and improving the qualitative research process are the most important faculties where this technology seeks to support teams and help drive efficiency without a trade-off in quality.
Amassing consumer intelligence via interactions and conversations is easy, knowing what to do with the information, on the other hand, proves to be the challenge. The issues surrounding this notion have always come down to resource management and human capabilities, however, advanced voice AI technology no longer requires human intervention in parsing through conversations for sentiment discovery, or even for the simple task of transcription that can be later dissected for meaningful takeaways by vested parties.
The bottom line
At the end of the day, AI technology provides customer-facing employees with tools to analyse customer interactions, effectively helping contact centres to understand their customers as individuals and deliver relevant and customised service. This functionality improves contact centre quality scores, raising KPI’s, providing opportunities for growth by creating new opportunities within the organisation, and impacting overall customer retention through loyalty-building strategies that further enhance CX.
If you’re looking to transform your contre quality management, Voyc is ready to help. Our AI solution offers best-in-service voice AI technology. So let us show you how it’s done with a free demo!