Gartner Evaluation Criteria
(Next Gen)
Detailed reporting

Comprehensive, insightful reports that enhance decision-making and improve customer interactions.

Basic reporting features without in-depth insights.

Limited reporting capabilities that lack actionable data.

Basic reporting that does not integrate well with other systems.
Easy to integrate and easy to use

Seamlessly integrates with your existing systems and is user-friendly for quick adoption.

Integration is straightforward but lacks flexibility in customisation.

Integration can be complex and often requires additional resources.

Integration is possible
Accurate results by scoring against customised criteria

Provides precise results by scoring against your tailored criteria, ensuring relevant and accurate assessments.

Limited scoring capabilities that do not accommodate customized criteria.

Scoring methods are rigid and do not align with specific organizational needs.

Generic scoring that does not address customized criteria or specific requirements.
Secure hosting – Compliant with Data Local Residency Laws

Adheres to stringent data protection regulations and ensures compliance with local data residency laws.

Does not fully comply with local data residency requirements.

Complies with data protection laws but may not meet current local residency regulations.

Compliance with data residency laws is partial and may require additional measures.
Quick Support – 2 Minute response time

Provides rapid support with a guaranteed 2-minute response time for urgent issues.

Support response times are slower, impacting timely issue resolution.

Delays in support response can hinder quick problem-solving.

Support response time is variable and often exceeds industry standards.
Gartner Evaluation Criteria
Detailed reporting

Comprehensive, insightful reports that enhance decision-making and improve customer interactions.
Easy to integrate and easy to use

Seamlessly integrates with your existing systems and is user-friendly for quick adoption.
Accurate results by scoring against customised criteria

Provides precise results by scoring against your tailored criteria, ensuring relevant and accurate assessments.
Secure hosting – Compliant with Data Local Residency Laws

Adheres to stringent data protection regulations and ensures compliance with local data residency laws.
Quick Support – 2 Minute response time

Provides rapid support with a guaranteed 2-minute response time for urgent issues.
Gartner Evaluation Criteria
(Next Gen)
Detailed reporting

Basic reporting features without in-depth insights.
Easy to integrate and easy to use

Integration is straightforward but lacks flexibility in customisation.
Accurate results by scoring against customised criteria

Limited scoring capabilities that do not accommodate customized criteria.
Secure hosting – Compliant with Data Local Residency Laws

Does not fully comply with local data residency requirements.
Quick Support – 2 Minute response time

Support response times are slower, impacting timely issue resolution.
Gartner Evaluation Criteria
Detailed reporting

Limited reporting capabilities that lack actionable data.
Easy to integrate and easy to use

Integration can be complex and often requires additional resources.
Accurate results by scoring against customised criteria

Scoring methods are rigid and do not align with specific organizational needs.
Secure hosting – Compliant with Data Local Residency Laws

Complies with data protection laws but may not meet current local residency regulations.
Quick Support – 2 Minute response time

Delays in support response can hinder quick problem-solving.
Gartner Evaluation Criteria
Detailed reporting

Basic reporting that does not integrate well with other systems.
Easy to integrate and easy to use

Integration is possible but may involve significant setup and maintenance.
Accurate results by scoring against customised criteria

Generic scoring that does not address customized criteria or specific requirements.
Secure hosting – Compliant with Data Local Residency Laws

Compliance with data residency laws is partial and may require additional measures.
Quick Support – 2 Minute response time

Support response time is variable and often exceeds industry standards.
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